Simplicity is the final achievement.
— Frédéric Chopin


I was always interested in alternative things, alternative being my norm. The fascination re: the bigger picture and what is life about started from a very young age. It began to blossom more in my teens and 20s. I couldn’t ignore the curiosity, so the pull to explore this area further became stronger. Up until my late 20’s I feel I was slightly dancing with the curiosity of wanting to know more...

So I started to explore, I was going to workshops, studying, attending seminars, learning techniques/practises, reading, as well as having a mix of sessions myself. I was incredibly keen to see what techniques/practices were out there, and for personal reasons I was on mission to help myself get through a somewhat very tricky time in my life. I wanted to find something which was going to help me most importantly - help me get Emma back, and then from that platform of knowledge and strength to inspire others to help themselves. So my journey in this world, a world that felt more familiar as my ‘personal research’ continued, started to take shape...

It became obvious, I needed to somehow incorporate my findings into my life and my living, purely because it made my heart sing, and I wanted to share and help others too. I could see from first-hand experience the benefits, freedom and clarity I was gaining – as if I was seeing properly for the first time. It was and has been incredibly liberating to get to a place where I can and have really helped myself with what I have learned, to then lovingly pass this on to help support others.

My personal healing journey, where I was starting to take all of this more seriously, was over an intense 6-year period; I wasn’t just dancing with it anymore, I was creating the dance! My wish to help make a difference on a human level was becoming more of a reality.

Super Natural came about because I liked the play on words and from my own personal experience I found the natural healing approach far more effective compared to other offerings, so I feel the name says it all. Since officially launching Super Natural in May (2018) I have helped make a positive difference to many who have suffered years of panic-attacks, insomnia, lack of confidence, fear, self-doubt, depression and physical pain – the list goes on...

My goal is to empower people on their healing journey, so that they can live happier, healthier lives from a place of strength and thus make better life-choices. I support clients to become their own guru, to trust themselves and their inner guidance. I offer a mix of intuitive healing techniques, not one session is the same, all incredibly unique to individual needs. I look forward to helping you on your journey should my offering feel sparkly, thank you.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas
imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution
— Albert Einstein